Thursday 2 July 2015

The working of the world.

“The world is not a wish granting factory.”

Apparently, the world is a miserable place where people struggle and die every day. It is a place where not only we are forced to exist until our hearts cease to beat or our hopes loose the light to take us farther, but we are also expected to keep up with the unfair until this world is tired of making our lives difficult and shameful.

Also, the fact that this is the world which had borne Hitler and Osama Bin Laden, cannot be ignored. It cannot, at any cost, be ignored that it is this world where little children go to sleep aggressively hungry and they die of thirst. It is a world full of penury, where humans kill humans. Here, brothers hate brothers and husbands rape wives. Lovers become strangers and teenagers become criminals. Here, Man is tortured by the unscrupulous and callous struggle for happiness and satisfaction. The unhappiness is unbearable and the world somehow takes pride in the suffering of man. Somehow.

Somehow this observer of man, it’s creator and it’s only destroyer, this world, works in a way to push every soul through a little infinity, a heart wrecking infinity. The world works to make you see the darkest shade of black and make you feel the cruelest of the sting. It will not give you a single thread to hang on to when you slip off a cliff and it will never show you the slightest ray of the shining sun when you are numb of cold.

This world, though being exactly the above mentioned, however consists of days with clear blue skies and beautifully coloured butterflies. It is indeed a place filled with the mystic sounds of chirping of the birds and extremely selfless trees and plants who so are fervour about providing us with our technically basic need Oxygen. There are people who work for the needy and there are rains meant only for the farmers. Our world has love, the eternal blessing, and it has kindness, friendship and motherhood. It is also the place which consists of people like Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi and all those beings who spent their energy and time only for the service of others.

It is not that this world has only struggling lives and broken hearts and it is also not that this world is all happy people and kind souls. It is somewhere in between. Somewhere we fail to go. This is a truth majority of the seven billion people on planet earth do not cease to forget. And unfortunately, it is this majority which sees a single side of this world, the side full of dark. The minority sees both sides.

And this minority lives a satisfied and secure life.

This world thus, though being cruel, seems to project a very balanced landscape of the good and the bad. To some extend it is actually balanced. It shows us both the winter and the summer, the black and the white, the dusk and the dawn. It depends on what we choose to look at.

What you desire, you see.

Hence, all that makes a difference is how you see it. All that matters is your sight, your perspective.
See what you must, and know this thing-Your view on things is the covert answer to all your misery.

Maudita Singh.

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