Monday 21 December 2015


What is immortality? What, in your opinion, is truly immortal? Can anything humanly ever be immortal?

Immortal is a finite collection of alphabets made by the infinite human imagination. Immortal, as per the Oxford English Dictionary, means 'living forever', but what does live forever? Who does?

Not a single person alive will deny that we are all doomed and that one day, we all will die. Human beings are mortal and they cannot overdo death. They die every minute. Considering the possibilities, you yourself could die even before you finish reading this or you could live to be a hundred years old.If you live, I reckon you will have a gleeful life but if not, what if not.

No man can fantasize his own death, none can muse over the circumstances that follow. Hence, the only known fact remains that all those dreams and all those machinations laid out for the future, they'll be left unfulfilled and unconquered. You must be planning to get into this college or to buy that car, you may be working hard for it. But you just die, leaving everything in mid air. Also, you may want to go for skydiving,or you maybe in love with someone but you don't tell them nor do you go jump off the airplane. Why?

You are waiting, against all unsurmountable odds, for the right time.

Similar to all of human history, even today everyone is waiting for the right time to do things, to undo things, to apologize or to be grateful. Everyone is being 'cautious' and everyone is living a sane life making sage decisions. People don't speak out their feelings believing that they'll have another moment, a perfect moment perhaps. People don't do things they want to do, for themselves or for others, thinking about another chance, a better chance. But for more people than not, that perfect moment does not come. Before they can let the other person know about their love, before they can live their only dream, the person is gone or they themselves are.

A thousand words are left unsaid, a thousand things left undone. All that is left behind is wistful longing and regret. Regret of not speaking out, not showing, not doing. One, then, will always yearn to get one last chance, one last breath.

Don't you see? This chance won't come back. You have an opportunity for which half the world would kill for. You have the chance to speak or do. You have a chance at life, love and happiness. If you have a due apology, go say sorry. If you have a dream to fulfill, go live it. If you love someone, let them know. Not only to people who don't know about your love, but also to people who do. Your parents, your friends, your relatives, your teachers, your lover. Do not take them for granted, let them know that you love them. Even if they already know, say it repeatedly. Because someday, you wouldn't have a chance. They will be gone and they will be unaware. No matter, then, how loud you scream or how deeply you mean your words, they will be unable to hear you. They are mortal. You are mortal.

Maudita Singh.